The Mountains
The mountains are full of mystery, to say the least. Many sounds are heard by the miners, and they are often scared away by shadows, moving figures, and sudden crashes in the mines. The shapes range from giant hulks of darkness to nimble figures of seemingly human people. Clutztonium glitter is in abundance in the deepest parts of the cave, although the mines are often raided by trolls. The miners, while trying to do their job, are undoubtedly scared of going into the deepest, darkest, parts of the cave. None have gone to investigate the many strange occurrences that happen there.
The Crystal Forest
The crystal tree forest, a place of wonder and mystery encased in a mask of beauty. Elves are thought to live here, although the forest itself stretches too far and wide for anyone to have searched through it and found any type of colony. Inside the forest, a giant crystal stands, with a giant tree wrapping around it. The crystal contains a great amount of power, and it's hard for anyone, even the princess, to harness it. In the forest is Marzapan's only known gravesite, although it is scarcely used as the residents have very long lifetimes, and there aren't many inhabitants on the planet.

The Scarlet Wood
The forest is full of many things, including your standard marzapanian animals, resources, and plants. The trees are a unique shade of magenta, which is used to make dyes. This is the reason for many of the clothing items on marzipan being pink toned. Nothing too interesting happens here, although there are a lot of Unis. They unfortunately often leave the forest to bother inhabitants.
The Popsicle Forest
The rainbow forest provides a source of entertainment and sustenance all at once for the Marzapanians. Some of the trees, which come in all different colors and species in this forest, hence its name, are edible, depending on the kind. Some have edible leaves used for cooking or just snacking, some have berries, edible bark, and more! any of them have distinctly sweet flavors. For this reason, it's been nicknamed "the popsicle forest," and foragers come here often.

The Gate
The gate is the most protected part of the planet. The portal goes directly to the troll planet, and none are sure why the portal opened in the first place. The gate is guarded at all times to prevent attack, although there hasn't been one in years.
The Castle
The castle is home to the princess of marzipan, named Mari-Mellow. She does her best to ensure the protection of her people, and is tasked with handling the glitter shortage that is slowly becoming a major problem on the planet. She also trains the glitzaras on how to use their powers, although she is not one herself. She has immense knowledge on all things magic, and thus is a great teacher and resource.